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calendar_today April 19, 2015 - May 24, 2015

Habakkuk: Conversation with God in Confusion and Crisis

The reality of the problem of pain and suffering is undisputed, but the problem is answered in many different ways. As God’s people facing the problem of pain, we must not detach and distance ourselves from pain by ignoring the confusion that crisis creates. But we must also remember the truth of God’s Word while dealing with our confusion. As a man with a burning passion for the honor of God, Habakkuk experienced a profound spiritual crisis because of the apparent indifference of the Lord to the desolate spiritual conditions of his people. Studying this book will deepen our conversation with God as we learn to speak honestly to God when in crisis, while also listening attentively to his words of truth and hope.

Sermons: 6

Fellowship Hall Service
person Brian Salter
Sanctuary Service
person Joe Novenson
Fellowship Hall Service
person Grant Lowe
Sanctuary Service
person Jared Huffman
Sanctuary Service
person Joe Novenson

Praying Our Pain

calendar_today May 3, 2015
menu_book Habakkuk 1:12-2:1
Fellowship Hall Service
person Brian Salter
Sanctuary Service
person Joe Novenson
Fellowship Hall Service
person Jared Huffman
Sanctuary Service
person Brian Salter
Fellowship Hall Service
person Joe Novenson
Sanctuary Service
person Brian Salter