A Great and Mighty Wonder

Lyrical reflections from LMPC’s Christmas Concert on 12.10.23.

For the Word was with God
and is God and is now with us,
poor orn’ry people of lowly estate,
helpless, in a captive state.

The King of Kings has drawn near,
the Savior of the world is here.
A full and holy cure,
a child in a stall who shall redeem us all.
For unto us a child is born.
God sent his salvation that blessed Christmas morn.
Born that man no more may die,
born to raise the sons of earth,
born to give us second birth.

Yet the world, where sin and sorrow do still grow, awaits a day
when hope shall fully sing its triumph and sadness flee away.
For who but the Lord can give the shadows light
can break into the dark, draw morning from the night?
O come, return, divine Messiah.

While we wait, O come, let us adore him,
Rejoice, ye heavens, angels and nations.
Lift your voice, sing noel,
let the glad tidings swell.
For Christ has come and a day is coming
when his blessings will flow far as the curse is found,
Yes, far as the curse is found.
A great and mighty wonder indeed!
