Booking & Facilities

reserve our facility

Site Bookings & Requests

LMPC is pleased to accommodate requests for the use of our facilities for a wide range of activities. Our staff serves Jesus by serving you, and we want to partner with you to ensure your event is worry-free.

Please Note: No activities or advocacy may take place within our buildings or grounds that conflicts with the bylaws and practices of the congregation and the denomination as found in the PCA Book of Church Order and the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Event Requests

The primary purpose of LMPC’s campus is to carry on the ministry of the local church. We are pleased to accommodate requests for use of our facilities by members as well as non-members. For weddings, please scroll down.

  • Priority of use of LMPC facility
    1. LMPC Programs
    2. LMPC Members
    3. LMPC Supported Ministries
    4. Community Organizations and Non-Members
  • Scheduling limitations of member or non-member requests for personal events:
    Members may request use of the facilities Monday through Saturday.
    Non-members may request use of the facilities Monday through Friday.
  • Requests should be submitted as early as possible, allowing at least 3 weeks for Jane Harris Youth Building (JHYB) requests and 2 weeks for other locations.
  • No request involving personal business or fundraising will be approved.
  • Facility use activities fall under the jurisdiction of the LMPC Session and the Director of Operations. No commitment to facility use is finalized until the Facility Use Release and Indemnity Agreement has been completed and approved. You will be notified once your request has been processed. No activities or advocacy may occur within our buildings or grounds that conflict with the bylaws and practices of the congregation as found in the PCA Book of Church Order and the Westminster Confession of Faith.
  • You are required to agree to abide by the Facility Use Release and Indemnity Guidelines before submitting your request.

Equipment is available for LMPC members’ use only.


Congratulations on your engagement! We are happy for you and glad you are interested in having your wedding at Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church.

At LMPC, the Session, pastors, and staff consider it a privilege to participate in the Christian weddings of God’s people. Our belief is that God has designed the marriage relationship to be between one man and one woman who are committed to Jesus Christ and to a biblically-based marriage. For more information or to apply, please contact our wedding administrator at

Memorial Garden

The Memorial Garden of Lookout Mountain Presbyterian Church, located on the north side of the church’s front lawn, is a beautiful place to admire creation and commune with our heavenly Father. It was designed as a sanctuary for meditation and prayer, a place to visit with friends, or an outdoor classroom. In addition, the garden is available for the interment of cremated remains in certain anticipation of their glorious resurrection promised by our Savior and King.

Featured prominently on the wall near the entrance of the Memorial Garden is a large bronze plaque with names of loved ones in whose memory donations have been made to the Memorial Garden. To request a bronze nameplate to be installed on the Memorial Garden plaque, please contact the church office. Any gift over $250 will allow us to order a nameplate for the plaque with your loved one’s name and dates of birth and death.

The Memorial Garden is available for the interment of cremated remains. It is our conviction that the body is to be treated with reverence and respect, even in death, until such time as the body of believers is resurrected on the last day (I Corinthians 15:42-44; I Thessalonians 4:16). For more information and application, please contact the church office.

The memorial garden is intended for the use of members, former members, staff and supported missionaries of LMPC and their immediate families, namely parents, children, siblings and their respective spouses. Exceptions to this policy may be made upon request to the memorial garden committee.

Receipts from interment fees will be used towards the Memorial Garden’s development, maintenance and care. The fee for interment is $600 and is payable at the time of interment application. The amount of the interment fee may be changed by the Session at any time. The fee includes cremain burial rights, including all services to commit the cremains to the earth, and engraving of the deceased’s name, birth and death dates on the plaque provided by the church. This fee is payable directly to LMPC.

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