Connecting American Churches with British Church Planters through the UK Partnership

With record attendance of over fifty participants who represent close to twenty PCA/EPC churches, the United Kingdom Partnership Fall Annual Meeting is underway November 13-17.

Beginning in Edinburgh, Scotland, the week-long UKP event moves from city to city as the group of U.S. partners visit U.K. church planters in Manchester, Oxford, and then London, wrapping up the final two days of meetings with a Christian heritage tour through London’s city center.

LMPC’s senior associate pastor Frank Hitchings is a co-founder of the UKP, along with associate minister at Independent Presbyterian Church (Memphis) Rev. Ed Norton. They have been hosting these annual meetings together since the UKP’s inception back in 2013.

The goal of the partnership is to connect confessionally Reformed congregations from the United States to indigenous Reformed church planters in the United Kingdom. The desire of the UKP is to foster relationships with indigenous church planters in the United Kingdom who hold to the tenets of the Reformed faith while funding their church planting efforts. 

The financial objective of the UKP back in 2013 was to provide at least $1 million to U.K. church planters over the course of 10 years. Since 2013, Reformed U.S. churches in the partnership have given over $3 million for that purpose.

The UKP has no paid staff, and there is no fee to join. It exists solely to connect Reformed U.S. churches with Reformed U.K. church planters primarily from the Free Church of Scotland, The International Presbyterian Church, Evangelical Presbyterian Church in England and Wales, and The Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches.  

UKP meetings take place in the British Isles in odd-numbered years, while in even-numbered years they are hosted stateside. The 2024 annual meeting will be hosted by Deer Creek Community Church (PCA) in Littleton, Colorado. For more information about the UK Partnership, visit or feel free to reach out to Pastor Frank Hitchings with any questions.
