Interview with a Middle Schooler

For our 2023 ministry report, we interviewed several members from our congregation to share their stories. If you have not viewed that yet, you may do so here.

We hope you enjoyed these insights into different ministries here at LMPC. Due to space, we had to keep answers short, so please enjoy the full answers below of Katherine, a middle school student.

What is your favorite part of the middle school ministry at LMPC?

“My favorite part of the middle school ministry at LMPC are small groups. I love being able to talk about my week with people I love and trust, the hard parts and the good parts. I have loved being able to learn more and more about Jesus and his love for me through small groups. Right now we are going through the devotional book, Anxiety, by Liz Edrington. The book talks about how, even through the hard times in life, God is always with us, even if we don’t always feel like he is.”

What have you learned this year by being a part of the middle school ministry?

“Right now in Sunday school we have been going through Judges, and in youth group we are going through miracles in the Bible. It has been really interesting learning about how God uses so many different people to build up His kingdom for when He comes again.”

What is your favorite middle school event of the year, and why?

My favorite middle school event this year was the fall retreat. I really enjoyed being able to hang out with my friends and youth leaders. I also really enjoyed the “time alone with God,” where everyone did a devotion by themselves. It was really nice for me because sometimes it is hard to find a time where you can be alone with God, reading his word and praying. Doing the devotion really made me feel closer to him and grow in my walk with him.
