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calendar_today June 28, 2015
menu_book 2 Kings 1:1-18

The Emptiness of Bypassing God

In his epistle, James reminds his readers, “Elijah was a man just like us.” This commonality with Elijah is often hard for us to believe when we encounter the dramatic events of his story. But the mighty acts of God in his life were not due to Elijah’s goodness and power but God’s greatness and might. Like us, Elijah suffered with anxiety, despair, unbelief, weakness, loneliness, and lack. But by living a life of persevering faith and dependence on God’s grace, power and presence, God used him to confront the wayward and display God’s glory and truth.

Sermons: 6

Fellowship Hall Service
person Jared Huffman
Sanctuary Service
person Len Teague

The Emptiness of Bypassing God

calendar_today June 28, 2015
menu_book 2 Kings 1:1-18
Fellowship Hall Service
person Brian Salter
Sanctuary Service
person Jared Huffman

Confronting the Rule of Self

calendar_today June 21, 2015
menu_book 1 Kings 21:1-29
Fellowship Hall Service
person Brian Salter
Sanctuary Service
person Joe Novenson

Kingdoms Collide and His Servants Struggle

calendar_today June 14, 2015
menu_book 1 Kings 19:1-18
Sanctuary Service
person Brian Salter

Our True Trouble and the One True God

calendar_today June 7, 2015
menu_book 1 Kings 18:1-39
Fellowship Hall Service
person Brian Salter
Sanctuary Service
person Jared Huffman
Fellowship Hall Service
person Jared Huffman
Sanctuary Service
person Joe Novenson